Saturday, 24 July 2010

Something to look forward to

I'm getting out of the house tomorrow, first trip out with arm in sling.

We're off to Rye, I was last there on my birthday and bought a shark tooth charm from the antiques and curios shop in the pic. Excited about what I'll find in there tomorrow.

Safety first

So...the reason I fell of my bike is really stupid. My lovely but not bike-practical Cristopher Kane bag got caught in my backwheel.

I was coveting a swedish 'fjallraven kanken' in a shop in Berlin, wish I'd bought one.

This pink and blue one is brilliant.

Broken bone

Firstly, sorry for the lengthy absence. I was so busy and then all of a sudden not.

I came off my beloved bicycle last week and broke my elbow. Had to have an operation that involved some wiring (passed out when I found that bit out!), but on the mend recuperating in lovely Kent at home.

I broke my Ulna at the round olecranon bit, the wires are in there to hold them back together for the rest of my days. Bit odd.

Heres a diagran from Grays anatomy just to be clear.......